There are two fonts used across the Marex suite of assets, each has a specific use-case. Please use careful consideration when choosing the correct font when building documents and creative graphics.
For more information and tips on using typography in Marex documents check out our typography guide.
Inter is the font used for all designed assets for Marex for use with Figma and Adobe Creative Suite apps. It should be used in Regular form with a -5% tracking. For large display titles over 80pt, use Inter Light. Download Inter here
Arial is widely available font on all Microsoft applications, including Word and PowerPoint. It must be used when designing in any Microsoft Office software especially when sharing a live document. Arial should be used in Regular form with a -2% tracking.
When animating titles, stats or any typography, a set of 4 principles should be followed to keep brand consistency. These animations use easing in and out to create a smooth and subtle movement.